Whether you’re looking for focused, one-on-one training with a coach, specific skill development like how to improve balance on slabby climbs, or a coach-led group of like-minded climbers to keep the stoke high and the plateaus low, we have a program to meet your needs.

4-Week: Basics of Movement
4-Week: Basics of Movement

This 4-week course is designed to teach climbers the basics of climbing-specific movement. With the support of our experienced coaches, participants will develop a foundational understanding of climbing basics in an environment designed to support their growth. Join Coach Enrico in the Climbing Academy for four weeks of coaching, tailored to the needs of beginner to intermediate climbers.


8:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Sessions run for four consecutive Mondays, including the start date.



Secrets of Steep
4-Week: Secrets of Steep

This 4-week course will cover all the techniques needed to progress efficiently on steep terrain. Join Coach Enrico to learn about backstepping, heel-hooking, toe-hooking, core tension and more.

This class is suitable for all climbing abilities but is highly recommended for beginner and intermediate climbers who are looking to refine and polish their movement in steep terrain.


8:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Sessions run for four consecutive Wednesdays, including the start date.



Adult Training Program
Adult Training Program

The Adult Training Program is for those seeking coached instruction and personalized training plans to polish their skills. This group is equal parts technical and strength-oriented.


  • $190 1-day/month
  • $270 2-days/month

SCHEDULE: Tuesday/Thursday 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Contact us to schedule a trial session!