News + Updates
VIDEO: Enrico Baistrocchi Talks Setting Process
In this episode of Climbing Designers, produced for EPIC TV, Mesa Rim setter Enrico Baistrocchi shares his unique approach to setting.
Opinion: Expressing Gratitude for Access to Sports
A discussion of worldwide sports participation and why those in developed countries like the US should be grateful for widespread access.
No Plastic November
We’ve collaborated with Groundswell Community Project to bring you an opportunity to win a free month membership while helping save the sea and supporting an awesome cause.
52 Hikes in 52 Weeks
A cross country move inspired this New Yorker to explore the beauty of Southern California.
Why I Ran the Mission Trails Regional Park 5-Peak Challenge
Mesa Rim regional director of operations, Keegan Dimmick, shares his experience running the Mission Trails Regional Park 5-Peak Challenge.
2019 Prices
On January 1st there will be a small fee increase for gym use and other services. We are committed to providing a quality experience for our customers, as well as our staff. The increasing cost of living in San Diego necessitates occasional price bumps in order to hire and retain qualified staff members, as well as maintain and continually improve our facilities.