News + Updates
2020 Avocado Cup Round 1 Results
The results for round 1 of the Avocado Cup are in!
Climbing’s Soulmate: Scuba Diving
So you’re hooked on climbing! Have you ever tried scuba diving? Chances are you’ll love both!
Going Deep With Yoga Teacher Training
Recent 200-hour Mesa Rim Yoga Teacher Training graduate Nicole shares her experiences with the program and how it helped her gain a more thorough understanding of the practice and the confidence to lead her own classes.
Vamos a Mexico!
Learning to let go of the comfort zone and venture into unfamiliar life experiences is frightening . . . but oh, so rewarding.
Unleashing the Stoke in Owens River Gorge
Four friends descend upon Owen’s River Gorge in Bishop, California, for some climbs, grub and sun-soaked adventure.
5 Must-Dos When Visiting Seattle
Mesa Rim’s programs supervisor, Ian Kosten, shares his top tips for making the most of your visit to Seattle.