Member Appreciation Month!

We love our members! That’s why we’re dedicating an entire month to show you just how much we have appreciated your support all these years! We’ve got lots of fun events, food, and freebies all month long so make sure to take a peep at the schedule...
5 Ways to Find a Belay Partner

5 Ways to Find a Belay Partner

A BELAY PARTNER IS NECESSARY IF YOU WANT TO ROPE CLIMB. BUT HOW DO YOU FIND ONE? By Ryan Halvorson     Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? You’ve recently signed up for a membership and need to find someone who will tie in with you. -or- Your crew...

30 Check-In Challenge

Keep your stoke high by signing up for this 10-week challenge. Track your visits to earn a chance to win prizes!   How it works: Choose a home gym (MV/MM) You can go back and forth between locations, but you must get a scorecard for each gym Scorecards must be...
Featured Artist: Gabriel Ellison-Scowcroft

Featured Artist: Gabriel Ellison-Scowcroft

Photographer Gabriel Ellison-Scowcroft discusses the inspiration behind his Mesa Rim Artist Corner installation, À L’Ouest, and the power of photography.   Mesa Rim: What is your inspiration for your work?   Gabriel Ellison-Scowcroft: ‘À L’Ouest,’ which...