Why Yoga Teacher Training?

Why Yoga Teacher Training?

CONSIDERING PARTICIPATING IN MESA RIM’S UPCOMING YOGA TEACHER TRAINING? SOME OF THE INSTRUCTORS SHARE THEIR REASONS WHY IT’S A GREAT INVESTMENT.   In advance of the Yoga Teacher Training coming up in a few weeks, we spoke to some of the instructors about their...

Pro-Am and Grom Cup are This Weekend

Our setters are hard at work getting ready for the Pro Am Finals and Grom Cup this Saturday at the Academy.  Professional climbers in the competition include: Kyra Condie Kai Lightner Michaela Kiersch Nathaniel Coleman Brooke Raboutou Shawn Raboutou Alex Puccio Ross...
Featured Artist: Anna Grace Dunn

Featured Artist: Anna Grace Dunn

Anna, a member at Mesa Rim since January, has held a paint brush since she could talk. “Among my loves for painting and climbing, I love night walks, sailing, camping, dancing, and really any and all kinds of adventure,” she says. “Feel free to stalk me...
The Figure 8 Knot

The Figure 8 Knot

Understanding how to tie a figure-8 knot is an essential component of rope climbing. In this quick video, Mesa Rim front desker Moe demonstrates how to tie the knot correctly.    ...
About My Time at Mesa Rim

About My Time at Mesa Rim

Thoughts and musings about the experiences I had working at Mesa Rim. By Joseph Legotte Mesa Rim was celebrating its sixth birthday when I started working here. I was hired on as a front desk employee and despite growing up in San Diego and starting my climbing...