2019 Youth Sport & Speed Divisionals Athlete Info

Youth Sport & Speed Divisionals is a USA Climbing championship competition for athletes from across California and Nevada. The competitors at Divisionals placed top 10 in their category at Regionals in May and many hope to place top 6 at Mission Valley in June to secure a spot at Nationals. Qualifiers will take place on Saturday and 10 finalists in each category will compete in the final round on Sunday.




Spectating is free and we encourage all members of our local community to come watch our Divisional athletes crush. This is your chance to see youth onsight climbing routes at grades far beyond their years.


Registration for Divisionals is now closed.


The format for all sport championship competitions is onsight. For more information on the rules, see the 2018-2019 USA Climbing Rulebook. We recommend that all athletes and parents view the official 2019 Sport Climbing Rules video created by USAC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY-_FWSHuRM&feature=youtu.be


Everyone who will be inside the facility is required to have a current waiver on file. This includes family, friends, and any children who may be spectating. If you are not sure whether you have a current waiver on file, contact front desk staff at the number below. You can fill out a waiver online by clicking HERE. Mission Valley: 619-908-1611


Mesa Rim is currently looking for top rope belayers for Saturday and Sunday. Anyone who is interested in volunteering, please CLICK HERE. Please read through all requirements before signing up to volunteer. USA Climbing is currently looking for the following volunteers: iso monitors, judges, assistant judges, general help, scorecard runners, speed volunteers (non-belaying).   A Note to Parents & Competitors on Volunteering Mesa Rim and USA Climbing encourage at least one member of each family to volunteer their time on Saturday or Sunday. Climbing is a unique competitive sport and hosting a climbing competition requires the time and effort of many people in order to create a fun, safe environment for competitors. In fact, during Divisionals there will be more than one volunteer or staff member for each competitor. Mesa Rim is unable to provide day passes to all volunteers this year, but we ask that you still donate your time — not just for your competitor, but for each of the nearly 230 athletes who will be competing at Mission Valley on June 15th & 16th. Thank you for your consideration.


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The running order for Saturday will be posted here the week of June 11.



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